What’s the Right Meat?

Don’t feel pressured into becoming a vegetarian, because thats not what my blog is about. I happen to be a vegetarian, though I do eat fish every once in a while. I am sure that most of the people reading this eat meat. I have a few words to say to you. 

When you buy meat I recommend buying local, free-range, and organic. This way you are eating a ‘was-happy-healthy-animal’. It’s also healthier for you to eat meats like this. It is heathier because the animals lived healthier, they weren’t cramped together, no chemicals and hormones were given to them that then get eaten by you.

I believe this is the right meat to buy. You must make the ‘right meat to buy choice’ on your own.

To learn more about buying organic local meat click on the links below:

Local Harvest

How To Buy Organic Meat

Free Range Organic


  1. Danielle

    Kudos to you! I am a vegetarian myself (not a vegan) but my fiance is not – I always push him to buy Cage Free Organic meat and I myself only eat Cage Free Organic Eggs. Keep up the good work – Fantastic Blog!

    1. Post
  2. Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum

    First of all, i’m so impressed with your new initiative and idea. as you know the torah goes to great lengths to protect animals, minimize their pain (if any) during slaughter and render strict prohibition regarding animal cruelty (tzar ba’alei chaim).

    and while my middle name may be burger –topped bbq pastrami… i too have recently began purchasing chicken from a great new local couple in our shul who produce poultry with all of your listed specs. you can check’m out here http://www.growandbehold.com/

    Anyway, keep up the great work and let me know if you need any help. your making us all very proud. Happy Chanukah!
    Rabbi Ari.

  3. Ilana Zablozki-Amir

    Bravo – this is a wonderful blog. It’s a blessing to be so passionate about a cause and then to be able to do something to make a difference. I’m sure this blog will!

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