Don’t Animals Need Lawyers Too?

 There are so many horrible stories. In Prospect Park, over 250 geese and their young were slaughtered. They were slaughtered so they wouldn’t get stuck in plane propellers, and then bring the whole plane down. I don’t want people dieing because geese get stuck in planes, but does that mean the geese have to die? No. I live right by Prospect Park, and now I must realize, the next time I go to the lake, there will be no fun watching the geese.

If you want read more about these geese here is a link to the article.

Now, when someone is murdered, police and lawyers come in. Police investigate, and lawyers defend. When an animal is murdered or hurt/in trouble, what happens? Not too much. Sometimes organizations step in, but the person behind it, rarely gets caught. This really bothers me because animals should have just as many rights as people.

Why can’t a lawyer step in and defend the animals? Whoever hurt animals should go to jail, or pay a fine, or have some sort of punishment! Oh, but it’s just an animal some people think. Aren’t humans too animals? Should we take advantage of smaller animals just because were at the top of the food chain? No, we shouldn’t! Animals have rights too. And we can be like lawyers and defend them. We can all help a little bit. And we can start right now by speaking up when you see an animal being abused.

If you have any of your own stories, feel free to tell them by replying to this post.


  1. Harry

    This story was very touching and I will never abuse animals EVER! I think that animals should have someone to stand up for them. This is what I think of the animal abusers

    : ( I don’t like them. I am watching them ; (

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